Dancing at the Point


Front and center.  At the tip of the V.  At the point of the triangle.  Call it what you want but the DCC have a tradition of choosing the lady who will be at the center of attention during their dance routines.  The chosen one is usually a tried and true veteran, a group leader and one of the best dancers on the squad.  There have been many throughout the years.  Three that come to mind are Whitney Isleib, Mia Greenhouse and Nicole Hamilton.

Whitney survived a scandal for wearing blackface for a Halloween costume depicting L’il Wayne.  The controversy was all over the web and embarrassed both the DCC and Cowboys organizations.  To her credit, Whitney learned from the incident and grew into one of the best representatives of the squad as a Show Group member, group leader and dancing front and center as the point girl her final season.  She is now a wife and mother of a baby boy.


The most recent point girl was Mia Greenhouse last season.  Mia blossomed from an eager, dimple-faced rookie to one of the most recognizable and trusted members of the squad.  By her 5th season, Mia took the lead during interviews and had arguably become the face of the squad.  She is now a member of the DCC All Stars and recently assisted with choreography during auditions for the 2014-15 squad.


My personal all-time favorite point girl is Nicole Hamilton (pictured above).  She was the epitome of a DCC –  gorgeous, articulate, charismatic and one of the best dancers the squad has ever had.  Like Whitney and Mia, Nicole cheered with the DCC for five years, maturing from green rookie to savvy veteran.  It was always a treat to watch Nicole.  Her facial expressions were perfect and her mastery of the dance moves was a choreographer’s dream.  She didn’t end her dancing days after leaving DCC in 2009.  She is now a Las Vegas Show Girl.  And she can say it all started you know where – dancing at the point.




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